Happy New Year!!

01 Jan

Ok, for some of you the New Year’s Hour has passed but if I celebrated all the time zones I’d be whacked out on chocolate and maybe a little out of my head (not that I’m not usually that way anyway…)

I hope everyone has a pleasant 2014. I say pleasant because that’s mostly achievable. I don’t want to put undue burden on a brand new year! I haven’t even thought about any goals this year. I missed a few of mine from last year. So I took stock and decided that this year I would set goals and activities that I could muster. So:

I will crochet many blocks this year
I will finish at least one poncho this year
I will eat chocolate several times this year
I will refrain from falling out of any chairs this year
I will make sure to make the most of my Netflix subscription

And since you really should have one goal that you have to think about, I will try to see the good side of most things in 2014. And if possible I will try to see the funny side and perhaps blog about it!

Happy 2014 everyone!

1 Comment

Posted by on January 1, 2014 in Random Life


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One response to “Happy New Year!!

  1. Nice piece of work

    January 1, 2014 at 10:16 am

    I’m extremely impressed with your list. I don’t make lists for this kind of thing. If I did, I’d either manage to misplace it within 3 hours or just plain forget about it. Apart from your 3rd goal, which I salute and hope to imitate, what I really aim for is basic survival (= mental and financial equilibrium. As far as is reasonably possible). Happy New Year to you 🙂



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